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This webpage archives the first four editions (published between August 2016 and February 2018) of the Journal of Innovation for Inclusive Development (eISSN 2456-4478).

The Journal of Innovation for Inclusive Development (JIID) has been released as a Biannual (Semi-Annual), Multidisciplinary, Peer-Reviewed, Open Access Journal.

(Aug 2016-Feb 2018):
Dr. Govind Singh
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Published from (Aug 2016-Feb 2018):
Centre for Earth Studies
Indraprastha College for Women
31 Sham Nath Marg
Delhi – 110054, INDIA

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Release of Volume 2, Issue 1
Release of Volume 1, Issue 1

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Fostering Perspectives on Swedish and Indian Culture

Author’s Affiliation: Department of Resource Management and Design Applications, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi.


Abstract: This article is a reflection of cultural differences recorded by the author during her research visit to Sweden in the year 2017 (February-March month). The objectives of the research visit included understanding official dialects of both countries, existing education system and work environments, variant food habits, family structure and associations, available transport systems, sustainable living options and cultural exchange within India and Sweden. The information was first collected through existing literature and was supported by information collected through observation method, informal discussions and interactions with the Swedish people. It can be concluded that both countries are culturally very different and different parts of each country further exhibit alteration in cultural practices, languages and food preferences. Some variations are also due to population size in both countries. For instance, transportation is very well developed in developed countries due to the availability of advanced technology and less population.

Keywords: cultural diversity, India, Sweden, sustainable living.

First received on: 27/04/17.


How to Cite:

Kaur, Harveen. “Fostering Perspectives on Swedish and Indian Culture”. Journal of Innovation for Inclusive Development 3.1 (2018): 26-30.

Kaur, H. (2018). Fostering Perspectives on Swedish and Indian Culture. Journal of Innovation for Inclusive Development, 3(1), 26-30.

Kaur, Harveen. "Fostering Perspectives on Swedish and Indian Culture”. Journal of Innovation for Inclusive Development 3, no. 1, (2018): 26-30.

Kaur, H. 2018. Fostering Perspectives on Swedish and Indian Culture. Journal of Innovation for Inclusive Development, 3(1), pp. 26-30.

Kaur H. Fostering Perspectives on Swedish and Indian Culture. Journal of Innovation for Inclusive Development. 2018; 3(1):26-30.

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Aims & Objectives

JIID has been set up as a platform for researchers from all disciplines conducting innovative research for ensuring inclusive development. [Read more]

J. innov. incl. dev.


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